So, I'm back to listening Regina Spektor, Hotel Song. I was listening to it a lot a few months ago and for some reason lost her until I decided I wanted to listen to a Lily Allen station on Pandora, and couldnt get Radio and Hotel Song out of my head. Listening to so many of her other songs I have fallin in love with her like Imogen Heap. I

love Lily Allen too, but the combination of the three of these ladies makes for a very happy Kate.
So anyways I have 3 days worth of Clothes to put into one blog. Monday night was not so much that I ran out of time, as I was working on starting to revise my website www.Shanistudios.com and then last night while trying to work on the blogs, I couldn't get my computer to work and I had to go to the grocery store, so in other words. NOT ENOUGH TIME IN THE DAY!
So Monday I decided to wear a designer t-shirt my sister got rid of (aka passed down to me...My little sister is my fashion adviser and passes clothes down to me...). Its a cream t-shirt with a Ladybug flying on it, a black quarter length sleeve underneath it, bell jeans and black ballet shoes. It was raining and the bell jeans dragged on the wet sidewalks, but it was a good day. I had a very good day on Monday. Must have been the happy lady bug on my shirt.
Yesterday wasnt as great of a day though. We had a meeting and I brought up the fact that our manufacturer and service center (who is a 15 min drive away from us) would like us to have repairs sent directly to them. "BUT THEY ARE OUR CUSTOMERS..... THEY JUST DONT GET THIS! ITS FOR THE COMMON GOOD OF THE COMPANY!" In other words I got yelled at in stupid non-settling gibberish and finally asked, "So its sent to us to for the customer service reasons. Great, that's all I needed to know" And then my co-worker...She had to talk to me like I'm 5 years old. I just wasn't happy most of the day...and this misfortune, though did not contribute to my clothing choice did spread over to today. So today wasn't a good day either, but lets go back to what I wore Tuesday.
Im starting to grow tired of being cold again so yesterday, though its not pictured, I wore my big fuzzy blue jacket. I was very cozy and warm. Underneath it however I wore a shirt that I love wearing with my black vest because it seems to fit well together. A long sleeved gray shirt with "Live Your Life" (I also love it because this is my moto!) written in script on it. The black vest covers the writing a but but it still looks cute. I finished it off with black jeans and my favorite wedge boots, to tie the gray back in. Though it was a loathing work day and I counted the hours before I got to go home, I was cozy while I was at work.
Today... today I thought I dressed the most stylish of the three days though. Purple tights, and black and white checked button up shirt. (Dont worry I wore a tank and a long sleeve shirt under in, that you couldn't see, so I wasn't cold.) Black slouch boots finished it off, and my hair was pushed up into a kind of small pompadour and gear looking earrings.
Today though, my boss/step-dad yelled at me while I was asking questions about pricing. I kept trying not to irritate him by asking and keeping my cool while he was getting upset but I hate being spoken to like that. I grew up being treated with respect my whole life, even from when I was 2 years old, so why should I expect anything less than what I give, from my employer/new family member? After he left the room I spent a spiteful hour playing on the computer because I couldn't look at the price list I had been working on anymore. Then after that I dabbled around doing some of my work, some more spiteful playing on the internet.
I am going to go to bed tonight thinking that tomorrow will be a good day. It will go by fast and I will look FABULOUS! Maybe Ill listen to one of my happy songs, "lucky twice" by Lucky.
There's nothing you can do
To keep it out
There's nothing you can do
Just scream and shout
So lucky lucky
So lucky lucky
So lovely lovely
So lovely lovely
You can fool yourself
I promise it will help
Now every single day
I just wanna hear you saying
So lucky lucky
So lucky lucky
So lovely lovely
So lovely lovely
This stanza of lyrics says what I say to my friends and anyone feeling down about themselves all the time. "Tell yourself you're beautiful, wonderful and Great, because you are! and the more you say it the better you will feel and present yourself!"