Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Red Coat, Rainy Day

Right now I feel tired and crampy. Oh the woes of being a woman. So after getting home from work and being invited out to dinner I am now sitting in the center of my couch with my sweatshirt hood on my head and Victoria's Secret Pink sweats on. The snowboard socks I disguised under my calf high granny boots are still keeping my feets warm and all I want to do is cuddle up and watch a movie. The only reason Im not currently doing so is because this needs to become a habit for me, or I will fail.

So today was alright. It was the first day without our manager (he took off for 3 weeks to Peru... lucky guy. When I started working there in June he was just leaving for a trip to Europe for 2 weeks. OH! How I want to go back to Europe and just plant roots there and never leave!!)

Back to today... I woke up and decided a run was out of the question, because of the heavy rain and went back to bed for another half hour. I got up and took a shower. I decided, that since I have a giant spot on my cheek from ravenously picking at what I thought was a black head, I would put more than my usual amount of make up on. Concealer and Powder is not my friend... it makes me feel like I have baked a cake on my face. So I did my make-up in a very porcelain doll-like way and had smokey eyes. All for a job interview scheduled after work.

I dressed in dark blue jeans, with healed granny boots (in leu of the rain), my ruffled collared button up shirt and my black stretchy belt with bamboo clasps. Oh, I can not forget that the undershirt, a black one like the one I mentioned before, boosted me up enough that when my jacket was taken off at dinner, Bryan complimented me in hushed tones how great my I looked in my outfit. THIS made me feel really good. Well, my job interview was rescheduled for Sat, so I didnt need to wear the cakey makeup, but I did feel good today.

Confident and Bitchy, almost to a fault. I became snippy with my coworker who had no right to be making the decisions she was making, and who's head had grown a little too big from the "so & so is doing more the 50% of the workload of the office while the manager is out, so you have to do everything she tells you to do" that the owner said in the meeting. I keep reliving the moment because I was so irritated so I tell my friends and each time I think I did it more and more civilized, though I know my tone was not as refined as it has become the more I tell the story.

Confident and Beautiful, because I say so (and you can feel that way too!!)

Classy Kate

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