Monday, January 18, 2010

House Cleaning and Three day Weekend.

So today is the last day of my 3 day weekend. Surprising my boyfriend Bryan with this fact was a complete success. He woke up at 8:40 telling me he thought it was 6:40, then after rubbing his eyes began to frantically tell me it was 8. I didn't freak out so he asked, "What's going on?" It was quite funny.

This weekend I have done nothing but contribute to the efforts of cleaning my house and garage. So, needles to say I have been in ugly levis which are too big for me, a t-shirt and my hair in a ugly pony tail, not ugly because its a pony tail but ugly because it continues to fall to the side. My hair is just TOO HEAVY!

I did call a stylist yesterday though. I cant seem to find anyone who will do it for less than $100-. Urg.

So I thought I would be able to go do something fun today, but seeing as how the hallway is scatted with my belongings that were left in my old room and you can barely walk through there, I don't think anything outside of the house will be happening today. Maybe we'll go see a movie.

Its not the 1950's. We dont have to dress classy while cleaning house!

Have a good day and tell yourself you're beautiful, 'caus you are!

Classy Kate

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